Updating Music section

Updating Music section on X-Perience Fanclub web
The music section needed some improvements, we tell you about our work in the biggest section of the X-perience Fanclub website!

As we told you in our first news of the year, some issues kept us inactive and when we came back, one of the things that needed some attention was the website.

We have been working on several sections of the website, starting with the news section, updating the dates section, restructuring the video section… and the Gallery section will soon have new photos.

But the section that is perhaps the most extensive is the music section, which currently has pages for 54 release and 168 songs, each with its video, streaming or purchase links, images, information about its BPM or its musical key, among other information.

So yes! This section needed some urgent improvements! and here we tell you about them!

Where are the pictures?

The images accompanying each release, including front cover, back cover, booklet and CD, shown on our website are hosted by IMGUR.

for each release you have this info tab which shows our scans of covers, booklets and CDs. 🥰

The advantages were several, on the one hand, not to saturate the storage of our web server, but on the other hand, our IMGur account works as a social network, which could be used so that in one place and in a very simple way you could have all the X-Perience covers within reach and you could also comment on them, as well as you could share them and use them anywhere without depending on the resources of our server.

But, when I was browsing x-perience.es this year, I was surprised to find that many images had disappeared!

these were the images of the third album, I still don’t know why some releases have been deleted and others not 🤷

Although I’m looking for a service that doesn’t delete images over time and without warning, we’ll keep using IMGur for the time being, so we’ll re-upload the deleted images. If anyone knows of a better service, please leave a comment! 🤗

+info for songs

One of the information we provide on each release is the tracklist. From the beginning one of the boxes in this panel was the ‘+info’ with a + linking to the song page.

1Circles Of Love (D&S Radio Mix)3’24”+
2Circles Of Love (Extended D&S Radio Mix)5’25”+
3Circles Of Love (Circle Club Mix)4’24”+
4Circles Of Love (Extended D&S Radio Mix Instrumental)5’25”+

However, this poses some usability problems and we believe that the new system where the name of the song itself contains the link to the song will make navigation easier for you.

And by the way we have found the small bug that made the seconds of the songs look like this » instead of like this ″, a small (but annoying 😅) coding error that made it look good during the creation, but wrong when displayed.

buy digital links

this is information that we will have to withdraw, although it is not because we do not want to offer it to you, but because the companies that offered this service seem to be giving more importance to streaming and are withdrawing these direct links to the digital purchase.

However, we will keep the physical format purchase links to discogs, amazon and ebay so that you as collectors can increase your collection. 😍👍

Buy Physical

These links take you directly to discogs, amazon and ebay results for each release

Although for those of you who have the opportunity and to give more support to the band, remember that you can buy several albums, both new and old and even some rarities, directly from the band!

You can buy them at the merchandising table at the concerts, I assure you there is no better place, you can even ask for them to be signed there in front of you! But if you don’t match the dates of the next concerts, you can see the things that are on sale at GetNext or ask directly to X-Perience sending a message on their official social accounts.

And what's left?

There are still many releases and many songs left for us to feel that the music section is complete. There are still rarities from unreleased editions, there are still alternative versions, there are still the vinyls and there are still many things from other projects such as Angelzoom.

And speaking of Angelzoom, at the moment, Angelzoom releases are interspersed in the index with X-Perience releases with the white ‘AZ’…

But now that Claudia and Bernd’s project is active again, what do you think? Should we continue to keep both projects in the same index, or would you prefer to see the X-Perience and Angelzoom collections accessed separately, each with its own index?





Leave us your comment!and let us know what you think of these improvements. Can you think of anything else you want to see in the music section of X-Perience Fanclub web?

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