Conquest of Paradise new video
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Yesterday 28.09.23, the new video was published on X-Perience’s Youtube channel. In the style of other «Lyric videos» it features a series of still frames with that eighties synthie aesthetic of pink and turquoise lights over which Claudia appears singing along with the lyrics.
all info about Conquest of Paradise in our page
Conquest of Paradise - The Video
We take this opportunity to give you the streaming links of Conquest of Paradise and one more curiosity.
We have created a Spotify playlist with the songs that are referenced in the X-Perience song, so you can know better what are all those songs that they love and you can follow the lyrics of the song just by looking at the song titles.
Conquest of Paradise - Lyrics
Conquest of Paradise
Little Lies Thorn in my side
remember the time
say you say me
Everybody wants to rule the world
You Believe
Love is a shield
Nothing Stop Play
Always in my head
Something Instead
Just Music in me
Again, again, again…
Conquest of paradise
Don’t go World in my eyes
You keep me hanging on
Relax and Come undone
Take on me Fade to Grey
Big in Japan and Stay
Sweet Dreams Erase & Rewind
Always on my mind
Precious World in my eyes
Tell it to my heart
Lion sleeps tonight
The Great Commandment
Safe a prayer
Love me to the end
Nothing Stop Play
Always in my head
Something Instead
Just Music in me
Again, again, again…
Conquest of paradise
Don’t go World in my eyes
You keep me hanging on
Relax and Come undone
Take on me Fade to Grey
Big in Japan and Stay
Sweet Dreams Erase & Rewind
Always on my mind
Conquest of Paradise
– all songs we love
Sweet Dreams Erase & Rewind
Always on my mind
Conquest of Paradise