Cruisin Wild will be the next single
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While last week we were cautious about what the mysterious release announced on Valicon’s website for next January might be ☺️ after seeing the new designs in the merchandising shop, a mystery began to clear up and was finally revealed yesterday when the image we bring you in this post appeared on 💓
The release is scheduled for January 28th. We still don’t know what the single will include, although some voices are saying that it’s something new 😍 something different from what we heard on the album 555 👍 and that rather than a sixth single from the fifth album, it could be considered as an intermediate step between the fifth and the sixth album…
A sixth album that X-Perience is already working on and that we will surely have a lot of news about in 2022, year in which we start with Cruisin Wild and continue with We Will Live Forever, a song that X-perience is going to make the wait and the delays worth it. 💪👏
What do you think about the selection of Cruisin Wild as a new single? What would you like to see included in it? What do you think of the cover? You can answer these questions or ask your own in the comments! 😘👋