We Travel The World album released!

We Travel The World is here, the end of one journey and the beginning of another, an album that marks a clear trajectory for the band. Discover with us the wonders of this travel

We Travel the World, comes loaded with songs that honour their origins, that look to their past with fondness and sweet nostalgia and that look to their future with hope and excitement.


And listening to We Travel The World makes it even clearer that 555 was an album that bridged X-Perience’s past and future, and if Magic Fields is the debut album of the past, We Travel The World feels like a debut album of this future, which is already the present….


Maybe because it’s an album full of freshness, emotion and a lot of ideas that have been worked on and matured over the years. Maybe because you can notice in the compositions and in the selection of songs the freedom of the band, who continue to work independently without a big record company altering their work to suit their demands. Maybe because it is full of good songs, some that make you move your body as soon as you listen to them and others that you will discover more slowly, making you never get tired of listening to the album over and over again.


Or maybe because We Travel The World, with the slogan “the 80’s, the 90’s and today”, evokes the sound of past times, but without falling into the clichés of those who only want to take advantage of a revival fashion, but bringing to our hearts the spirit of those two decades, as only someone who lived them and knows them well could have done.


X-Perience knows well the 80’s, the decade that saw them grow up as children and the 90’s, the decade that saw them born as artists. They have known how to understand where they come from to be able to show us where they are now, in a new decade in which with their new music, they will make us live again an endless dream.

this is the release file in our web

We Travel The World

We Travel The World - The Editions

The independence from the major labels and the love that X-Perience has put into creating the album can already be felt in the two editions in which it has been released.


A vinyl edition with a limited run of 300 units, which the band has taken the time to sign one by one, including all 11 songs and which, by the way, was already sold out with the pre-sales before its release!

And a double CD edition. At a time when it seems that nobody is betting on the Compact Disc, X-Perience has taken a big risk that they couldn’t refuse, because a CD is what you do when you have the 90’s really in your heart. This CD was something that both the band and the fans needed.


The digipack comes with a second CD that includes the 11 songs from the album, all in extended version, plus a bonus track, a new version of My Life Goes On. Included is a booklet with lyrics, photos of the band and a lot of artwork created with the help of artificial intelligence, with a futuristic aesthetic, reminiscent of the digital art boom of the 90s.

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We Travel The World - The Tracklist

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El nuevo album incluye 11 nuevas canciones, algunas de las cuales ya hemos podido escuchar como singles (We Travel the World, Say Thank You, We Will Live Forever…) y otras de las que solo pudimos escuchar algún pequeño extracto por redes sociales

1-1We Travel The World3’15”+
1-2Say Thank You3’09”+
1-3Come Come2’38”+
1-4Conquest of Paradise (all songs we love)3’07”+
1-5Nobody Cares Like You4’24”+
1-6We Will Live Forever3’04”+
1-7And When We’re Dancing3’29”+
1-8Wasted Time3’24”+
1-9Endless Summer3’09”+
1-11The Train of Life is Rolling3’26”+
2-1Nobody Cares Like You (Extended Version)7’18”+
2-2We Will Live Forever (Extended Version)7’18”+
2-3Say Thank You (Extended Version)4’08”+
2-4Come Come (Extended Version)5’09”+
2-5And When We’re Dancing (Extended Version)5’00”+
2-6We Travel The World (Extended Version)4’39”+
2-7Conquest of Paradise (all songs we love) (Extended Version)5’38”+
2-8Wasted Time (Extended Version)6’00”+
2-9Endless Summer (Extended Version)5’29”+
2-10Dragonfly (Extended Version)5’13”+
2-11The Train of Life is Rolling (Extended Version)6’01”+
2-12My Life Goes On (Extended Version)4’00”+

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