Wellcome to 2022
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We are back and ready to start the year 2022 which is looking very good for X-Perience fans! A year full of possibilities. Possibilities of seeing a new album, possibilities of watching concerts online and enjoying live concerts. But it will also be a year full of opportunities for this fan club, which celebrated its second anniversary last December!
Indeed, last December 12th was two years since that first post on instagram with which this fan club woke up and today we want to take the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment and our principles summarised in three points:
- support the band
- to be a meeting point for fans
- to organise and share all the info and media
Regarding the first point, we will continue to offer our unconditional support to the band, giving encouragement, sharing the past and the future of the band, but above all sharing the present, filling the internet and making the X-Perience name sound as much as we can!
If there is anything in this world as wonderful as X-Perience’s music, it’s their fans! We want this fan club to belong to everyone and to be a place where we can all express our emotions and our ideas, a place where we can make ourselves known and where we can meet other people with the same passion for X-Perience’s music. You can join the chat on our social networks, instagram, facebook, tiktok and youtube!
Last but not least, we work every day to achieve a dream, to know more and better the band, their work and their history. For that we use all the means at our disposal, imgur for hosting images, youtube for videos and audios, google maps for locations but finally all that is gathered and organized in this website where we slowly but continuously try to make all that information available in the best possible way.
So, here we are! full of energy and illusion to share and enjoy with you this promising year 2022!
What about you? what are your expectations for 2022? leave us a comment!