X-Perience Live at Magdeburg

X-Perience live at Magdeburg '24
Come with us and we tell you everything about the X-Perience live concert in Magdeburg!

On June 14th, the music of X-Perience resounded in Magdeburg. On this occasion, Claudia, Lyn, Matthias and Bernd were not the only ones to take the stage. Before X-Perience, Sven and Frank from Neufeld filled the dance floor with their passion-filled synthpop.

Do you want to know how the evening went? do you want to hear X-Perience live? do you want to see what songs they played? This and many more questions will be answered here, but if you still have any questions, write them in the comments section at the bottom and we will be happy to answer them! 🥰👍


That evening, the X-Perience set was ready in a beautiful and cosy open-air setting next to the historic 19th century building, the “Festung Mark”, the former military fortress which was occupied by shops in the second half of the 20th century and which since 2001 has been used for concerts and cultural events.

Photo: Patrick (@musicalpaddy)
Do you want to know where this stage is? Find it on our location map

Fans who arrived early were able to enjoy the band’s company, have photos with them, and even attend the soundcheck!

@paddy83xp Magic Fields. Soundcheck vor dem Konzert am 14.06.2024@lyndelallana @uhleclaudia @X-Perience ♬ Originalton – Paddy83XP

After the concert, a small stall was set up where collectors could buy a few rarities. This time, and due to the recent rediscovery of Lyn’s single Whenever, some of Lyn’s records were also on the table. And of course, there was also time for signatures!


On this occasion, X-Perience shared the stage with Neufeld, a tribute band of Wolfsheim, Peter Hepner’s legendary band. Neufeld was the last project of José Alvarez-Brill, producer known to X-Perience fans for his remixes of the 3 X-Perience classics on the fourth album Lost in Paradise.


A last project that unfortunately he didn’t get to see on stage, but that wherever he is, he can be very proud of, because his partners Sven and Frank have a spectacular sound, full of a nostalgic energy that hits you hard in the soul.


At 8 p.m. Matthias and Bernd took the stage on keyboards and Claudia and Lyn on vocals.

from left to right: Matthias, Claudia, Bernd and Lyn

We missed Alex again, who was unable to attend due to health problems, however, the latest news is that he is recovering and will be back on stage soon. From here all our love to Alex and our positive energy for his recovery!

Photos by Nathalie. more coming soon to our gallery section

The Magdeburg concert started with the 555 version of A Neverending Dream, a fantastic way to warm up the audience from the first second. Next up was the new version of I Don’t Care, which combines classic elements with some incredible sounding, goosebumps-inducing novelties and looks like it will be on the next album (or at least that’s what we need!!).

And the list of powerful hits didn’t stop, mixing songs from the last few years with old classics.

Although we could already hear To France, the new X-Perience song with Daniel La Peur at the last Herzberg concert, this Friday was the official release day of the song and the audience was looking forward to hear Claudia singing this Mike Oldfield’s classic.


The concert ended, but after the audience’s oblation, the band came back on stage with Dragonfly, then Claudia fulfilled our friend Markus’ wish to listen to Step into the Light a capella.

X-Perience ended an incredible concert with Wasted Times, in a night in which not a single second was wasted.



1. A Neverending Dream 555

2. I Don’t Care (New Version)

3. Say Thank You

4. Circles of Love (555 Version)

5. Moonlight Shadow

6. Conquest of Paradise

7. When Do I Get To Sing My Way

8. Come Come

9. Crusin’ Wild

10. I’ll Remember

11. I Feel Like You 555

12. Mirror

13. Magic Fields (555 Version)

14. Never Look Back

15. My Life Goes On

16. Get To France

17. I Don’t Care (original 97)




19. Dragonfly

20. Wasted Time

21. Get To France


Thanks to our friend Markus, we can enjoy several songs from this concert. Don’t forget to subscribe to Markus’s Youtube channel, where you will find videos of other X-Perience concerts and much more!

X-PERIENCE AT MAGDEBURG - and over internet

Finally for today, we bring you several publications that we have found on the internet and social networks, if you find something else, or if you attended, share with us what your experience was like and…

leave us a comment here! 🥰👍

We will also be gathering more photos in our gallery! And above all, don’t forget to check out the upcoming dates section! See you at the next concert! (12.07.24 in Kranichfeld!!)

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