Am I Right 21 Anniversary and unreleased song

X-Perience - Am I Right
Today is the 21st anniversary of the release of the single Am I Right.

To celebrate it, we have brought you some unreleased material and we leave you THIS LINK where you can listen to it in full, read a lot of info, photos, lyrics… and even look for it in physical format if you still don’t have it in your collection.

We bring you a few seconds of this live concert that you might not have seen, in which X-Perience performs precisely “Am I Right” with a big band of 7 people on the stage! Alex on the bass, Matthias on the keyboards and Claudia on the mic, but there is also a guitar, drums, another singer and a violin

But we also bring you an unreleased song that might tell us some unknown story!

The unreleased song is “The Meaning of Life (Extended version”) It’s an identical version to the one on the album, with 1’30” of extra length in which we can hear, for example, the chorus sung by Claudia and Witt with almost no instrumentation…

But the most significant thing about this version is not how it sounds, but the story it tells, because If the band was working on an extended version of this song, then it means that The Meaning of Life, the duet with Joachim Witt, was seriously considered to become a single before selecting Am I Right!

More content! this are the instagram post of the 2 past years, where you will find a little review of the tracklist and some curiosities.

So, what do you think? Would you have liked to see a single from The Meaning of Life? Which song from the album Journey of Life would you have made into a single? I read your comments! 😘❤

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