X-Perience History

Metropolis, The First Band

Since that time they worked almost daily (or rather nightly) on new lyrics and melodies. After a short time some songs were finished and they joined a small record company. Already at their first gigs they gained a small fan base.


The music of Metropolis clearly showed the strong darkwave influences of groups like Depeche Mode and in general, that synthpop atmosphere of Camouflage. Although musical sensations of krautrock and electro also appear.


The songs we know of Metropolis come from a few demotapes, the first one titled “X-Periences The First Tape” which is probably from ’90 or ’91, the second one from 1993 titled X-PERIENCES-EP 93. Finally, there are several songs that we know from an online concert.


Some of the Metropolis songs ended up on some of the X-Perience releases although with clear changes. Below you have the 3 tracklists we talked about and the equivalence with X-Perience songs.


DemoTape cover of X-PERIENCES-EP 93 by Metropolis of Enigation

X-PERIENCES – The First Tape –

1.X-Periences (The Night Moved On)


3.Arctic Light

4.This Life (Circles of Love)

5.Bad Dream

6.The Different Faith


1.X-Periences (The Distance…) (The Night Moved On)

2.The Fault (The Moon)

3.Old Lady (Vocals By Claudia Uhle) (Strong)


5.Daydream part I



1.Artic Light

2.Why You Don’t Say

3.The Old Lady (Strong)

4.X-Periences (the Distante…) (The Night Moved On)





9.daydream part I

10. dschun

11. Tribial Eyes

12.The Different faith

13.In this World

14.Leave The World

15.Bad Dream

16.Thousands of Souls (Rain)

17.The Fault (The Moon)