Legal Information about this website

We will try to summarise on this page all the information about the legal aspects that are required by law for this website to operate publicly.


If you need to contact us for anything, you can write an email to:

Table of Contents

What is this website: is a website created by X-Perience Fanclub dedicated to pay tribute to the band X-PERIENCE, as well as to other musical projects of its members such as ANGELZOOM.


The purpose of this website is to have a place where to gather and organize all the information related to the band and to make known other activities of the Fanclub.



What is X-Perience Fanclub

A fanclub that arises by its own will with several purposes:


1.- To support the band
2.- To gather, organize and share all the information about the band.
3.- Gather fans to meet and share our passion for the band.


Although X-Perience Fanclub maintains a good relationship with the band, the band has no responsibility for the activities of the Fanclub, which acts in a totally independent and free way.


The Fanclub has no financial interest whatsoever, we do not make money either directly, by fees or other payments, or indirectly by making profit from the sale of data, promoted links or similar.

Privacy Policy

The Fanclub does not need to know or collect information about who you are, where you come from or what your interests are. We assume that if you are here it is because you are an X-Perience Fan and that is all we need to know.


We are here to make you enjoy a lot of content about X-Perience and not to collect personal data to sell to advertising companies or the like.


In the sections where you can fill in a form, such as in the guestbook, or in the comments of the news you have to take into account that they can be reviewed by an external agency dedicated to filter spam, but once published, the comments are public and accessible by anyone who visits the web, so we recommend that you do not include personal information.


In order to make use of these forms it is essential to add a name that will be public and an email address that will not be made public. Nothing prevents you from entering a made-up name and email address, but please note that if you want us to contact you, we will use the contact details you have provided to contact you only in relation to the query or request you have sent us.


We use the methods at our disposal to keep your personal data safe, but we cannot guarantee that there are no security breaches and we cannot be held responsible for them, that is why we try not to ask you for your private data and we recommend you again not to give them out.


Cookies Policy

Below we tell you what cookies are, why there is such a problem with cookies and why we try to use as few as possible. We also list which cookies we use, how you can see them, how you can avoid them and how you can delete them.


Cookies are small files that are sent to your device and stored in the browser used by each user so that our website and those of other companies (explained below) can distinguish you anonymously from other visitors, which helps them to provide you with an adequate service.


Someone discovered that they could exploit these cookies for commercial purposes that could even extract a lot of personal information from the user, and this and the fact that this massive use was kept hidden from the user is what prompted the current laws on informed and consensual use of these files.


However, X-Perience Fanclub has no commercial interest and respects your personal data, so we keep the use of cookies to a minimum. We only use Cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. We do not use Cookies for the purpose of personalisation of advertisements or similar.


You should be aware that certain content on such as Youtube videos or the Google Maps map in the “Locations” section may generate cookies from those companies and we cannot know or control the purposes for which those cookies are used.


By clicking here, you can check your cookie settings.


To prevent cookies, many browsers include a private browsing mode that prevents your browser from receiving cookies.


If you want to delete cookies, here are the tutorials on how to do it in the following browsers



– on the copyright of X-Perience Fanclub


All material created by X-Perience Fanclub is copyright free.


You are free to save it, share it and modify it as long as it does not damage the image or the honour of anyone in general and specifically the band or its members, nor is it used for other illegal purposes that violate the freedoms and rights of people.


We all know what we mean, but if you don’t know, you can contact us at the email above.



– on the copyright of others

All copyrighted material that may appear on this page meets the following requirements.

1.- it is related to X-Perience, so we appeal to the fair use, that as a fan club we use it with encyclopaedic character.
2.- is available on the internet with free access, we are dedicated to collect and unify all the information about the band.
3.- it is not our intention to harm the interests of the band, if not the opposite,
4.- We undertake to use the material with the respect it deserves

If you are the owner of the copyright or represent the interests of a copyright owner, of any copyrighted material of any kind and you do not want us to use it in the way we use it, you can contact us to explain how you want us to use such material or we can remove it if it will make you happier, although it will make us sadder!


At X-Perience Fanclub we treat the information on X-Perience with love and respect and we do our best to be truthful, however we may make mistakes so we cannot guarantee the accuracy and quality of the information provided here. So if you claim to take this information as true, it will be at your own risk.

If you find any wrong information, please let us know and we will try to correct it as soon as possible.