Starting 2023, a promising year
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After having lived during the last year the process of creation and evolution of an album, X-Perience is ready to release his sixth album in the next months.
An album of which the first samples have already been shown and of which we assure you that it will be full of songs to fall in love with, some with the unmistakable style of their classic melodies, others in which the band explores and expands their sound world, some calmer and others full of energy, but all of them, all with that magic that only X-Perience knows how to fill our hearts with.
The road to release day continues and while we end 2022 knowing the definitive name of the sixth album, we begin 2023 knowing the definitive cover. A cover full of colour, with a retro-futuristic touch and very close to the electronic music poster design of the late 90s.
This year more than ever, the three pillars of the Fanclub will be more alive.
1.- Giving our support to the band, following and documenting all the news.
2.- Gathering and organising all the information and multimedia material,
3.- Being a meeting point for all new and old fans, offering you a space where you can share anything related to our passion for X-Perience.
So this year more than ever…. Stay tuned to the Fanclub!