We Travel The World CD is ready!

The new album is ready!! and we have already seen the first real images!
We Travel the World will be released next 04.08.23 , but this weekend the first boxes with the We Travel The World limited edition digipack arrived at Valicon.
There are about 200 units that will be used for promotion, so that radios, DJs and TV can start spreading the news! The new X-Perience album is already a reality!😍
So Bernd took the opportunity to open one of those CDs to show the GetNext MEGAfans how the colorful cardboard of the new album and some parts of the extended versions feel.
At the same time he checked that everything was as it should be. I don’t think he will ever forget that skipping error on the 555 CD! 🙈 But don’t worry! We Travel The World has been checked and everything is PERFECT! 💪💗

The finish of the Digipack looks spectacular, with a 3-panel format, when we open it we will discover the CD 1 on the left that contains the 11 new songs, being in the center an image with the thanks of the band for all those people who have given their support for this album to see the light.


Opening this second cover with the acknowledgements, we have on the right the CD 2 with the 11 extended versions + the extended version of the new My Life Goes On mix.


and in the center… the booklet! A booklet with 16 pages in which we will find the lyrics of the songs, beautiful IA images and some pictures of the band. This is really listening to your fans! 👏


I mean! I know there are many people who have asked for a FanBox, those big, full of stuff, expensive and very limited editions… yes, I know we like them, but if you stop to think about it, who needs that kind of extras in 2023? 🤷‍♂️


Who wants a t-shirt that might not be their size, when we have at our disposal a merchandising store like spreadshirt where you can choose between a lot of clothes and designs? 😎👍


X-Perience has taken the most important part of a special edition, a well packaged CD in elegant cardboard, with an extra disc with about 70 minutes of extra music and has made a larger print run so that no fan will be left without it. 


And at an incredible price… 18€? 🤯 a ridiculous price for such an edition! 

First image, but is just a virtual mockup 😉

Of course, just because the print run is bigger than a FanBox, doesn’t mean it’s not limited! There’s still time to reserve your CD, but if you’re really thinking about buying it, or think you might want it, RESERVE IT NOW!


The best thing you can do is leave it reserved, you don’t lose anything, you have stores where they allow you to make the reservation without paying anything until the release day (04.08.23) and if at any time you want to cancel the reservation, you don’t lose anything…


Well, only the opportunity to have a real collector’s jewel with loads of adorable songs that will make your heart tremble with emotions 😅🥰👍

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