today marks 17 years since the release of “Back in the Moment”
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And it’s 17 years that prove that there are songs that are timeless in our hearts
Back in The Moment is a duet with Joachim Witt, with whom Claudia had already sung a few years earlier “The Meaning of Life” a song from the third album of X-Perience. Although the last song of the single is a special version in which Claudia sings a duet with René Siodla (Roedernallee) who had also sung on the song “Into My Arms” included on Angelzoom album.
- The title track of the single Back in The Moment is a duet with Joachim Witt, who had already sung with Claudia The Meaning of Life a few years before for the third X-Perience album.
- The second track is a version in which, accompanied by Daniel Hassbecker’s piano and Letzeinstanz’s strings, Claudia sings alone, even the German parts, for a sublime performance in which her angelic voice shines brightly.
- Witt appears again on track 3, “ambient crossover”, a version that is closer to the sound space in which Angelzoom usually moves.
- Track 4, Infinite, is a song that was not included in the album and that offers us a haven of peace and the possibility to listen to the most lyrical part of Claudia’s voice.
- Track 5, Blasphemous Rumours, is the same version that appears on the album, the Depeche Mode cover with which Angelzoom was introduced to the public in 2003.
- Finally the single ends with the same song it began with, except this time Claudia sings a duet with René Siodla from Roedernalle, whom we had already heard on the album track “Into My Arms”.
The single was supported by a beautiful music video, which helped it reach the 59th position in the charts in just one week!
I stare into space
I`m in your mind now
I did grieve you somehow
I stare into you
will you bear more pain
I know your thoughts
drive me insane
I close my eyes
alone in my room
there is no silence in my head
I try to see the truth
the way I loose
we`re on the way- back in the moment now
Ich seh in deinem Herz
deine Gedanken.
Ein Blick in deine Welt.
Ich fühl deinen Schmerz.
Die Zeit ist verloren.
Der Augenblick- der uns(e)re Träume erhält.
I close my eyes
alone in my room
there is no silence in my head
I try to see the truth
the way we loose
we`re on the way- back in the moment now
How to listen
Any excuse is a good one to listen to this single, but taking advantage of the anniversary, I propose that today you take 20 minutes of peace for yourself, to sit quietly and enjoy every second of the 6 tracks that make up the single, to feel how Claudia’s voice touches your heart, how she wraps you in her warm lullaby and then you will affirm that you have listened to #thevoiceofanangel because if the heaven sounds, it has to sound like this.💗
And so that you have no problem finding the songs 😉 This is THE LINK YOU NEED to listen to the single in full, here or in your favourite streaming platform
And don’t forget to share with us how this song makes you feel, which is your favourite version or what are your preparations to enjoy it. Anything you like to share with us 😘👍
Extra video! a lullaby version by X-Perience Fanclub